Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design

Integration and development of Software for Lighting Design (Lighting CAD R&D)

Title: Integration and development of Software for Lighting Design (Lighting CAD R&D)
Year: 2002 - 2003
Partners: Politecnico di Milano - Oxytech
Financing fund:
- Calculation algorithms
- Lighting design
- Software
- Textures

Result presented by company during INTEL 2003 (new Oxy3D functionality in Litestar 6.0).
Integration and development software for the lighting design
Interface development: creation of a dynamic window for three-dimensional management of a rendered model.
Texture implementation: superficial texture. Flat images wrapped on the objects surfaces.
Ray-tracing and radiosity: Simulation of the light distribution in geometrically complex environments for the creations of synthesis images through integration of two models of total lighting system: Radiosity (considers the energetic budget on the distribution of the radiance between near surfaces) and Ray Tracing (considers the optical and geometric distribution of the intensity).