Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design


  • ACE
    Association des Concepteur lumière et Èclairagiste.
    Lighting Designers and Illuminating Engineers association with the purpose to promote the theme of light and the profession of the Lighting Designer.
  • AFE
    Association Française de l’Èclairage (French Lighting Association).
    French meeting point for those that, in different disciplines, are interested in lighting.
    The association let them share ideas, confront experiences and receive information and advice.
  • AIC
    Association Internationale de la Couleur (International Color Association).
    Association born in 1967 that promotes the research on colour and all of its sectors, cooperating also with other international organizations with the aim to diffuse the result of researches for arts, design and industries.
  • AIDI
    Associazione Italiana Di Illuminazione (Italian Lighting Association).
    Groups luminaries, light sources and lighting components manufacturers, as well energy distributors, designers engineers and resellers.
  • AILD
    Associazione Italiana Lighting Designer (Italian Lighting Designers Association).
    Association that works in the field of lighting for entertainment. Aims to diffuse the culture of light for the show, promoting the improvement and acknowledgement of the lighting designer figure.
  • ANIE
    Federazione Nazionale Imprese Elettrotecniche ed Elettroniche (National Federation of Electric and Electronic Companies).
    Represents electric and electronic companies that operate in Italy.
  • APIL
    Associazione Professionisti dell'ILluminazione (Association of Professionals in Lighting).
    Association of professional figures that operate in the field of lighting design.
    ASSociazione Nazionale Produttori ILLuminazione (National Association of Lighting Manufacturers).
    The association aims to give to anyone interested in lighting, all the useful information to improve knowledge of associated luminaries, light sources and components manufacturers to the top of the worldwide industry.
    The objective of Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore is to encourage multi and interdisciplinary collaboration and networking between people in Italy that addresses problems and issues on colour and illumination from a professional, cultural and scientific point of view.
    Associazione Nazionale delle imprese degli apparecchi di illuminazione (National Association of Luminaries Manufacturers).
    Volunteer association of designers and advisors on light related thematic, active on an International scale with the aim of improving the value of the professional profile.
    A consortium that proposes to help manufacturers, designer, architects, owner of real estate to apply and improve the practice of lighting in every area of the market.
  • IALD
    International Association of Lighting Designers.
    The international association of light designers orientated architecture and urban environments.
    Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand.
    The aim of society is the advancement of the art and science of illumination and the dissemination of knowledge to all interested parties.
    Illumination Engineering Society of North America.
    ISNA aim to refine knowledge and diffuse information to improve the lighting environment of society.
  • ILP
    Institution of Lighting Professionals.
    ILE promotes excellence in each application and aspect of lighting.
    National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions.
    The NCQLP is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 to serve and protect the well-being of the public through effective and efficient lighting practice. Through a peer-review process, the NCQLP establishes the education, experience and examination requirements for baseline certification across the lighting professions.
  • NLB
    National Lighting Bureau.
    The National Lighting Bureau (NLB) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1976 to educate lighting decision-makers about the benefits of High-Benefit Lighting®. The NLB is sponsored by professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, utilities, and agencies of the federal government.
    Professional Lighting And Sound Association.
    Association with the aim of improving working procedures and safety levels and training in the entertainment, presentation, installation and communication sectors.
  • SPIE
    SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies.