Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design


The Laboratory is intended to be a support for didactic and at the same time to improve applied design research with the cooperation of field manufactures. Other than that, the aim is to give an important contribution in the lighting field, with reliefs and tests for innovative projects in the lighting and colour field.

Optimization of lighting in virtual environments, software evaluation of performances of lighting installations and photometric characterization of functional prototypes. These activities are held in the didactic of the School of Design , the Lighting Design master, the Color Design master, the courses and workshops.

Design of innovative lighting solutions and new luminaries starting from a technological analysis going to an esthetic/functional aspect. In particular, the study of high-performance optics with the use of computational software and successive quality check on prototypes. Study of optic and spectral attributes of surfaces in relation to natural and artificial light. Control systems. Photometric, colourimetric and spectral reliefs on the field of environments and lighting installation, to evaluate the project or to verify the correspondence of performances.