Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design

Performance test on LED Lighting products (10)

Title: Performance test on LED Lighting products
Year: 2009 - 2011
Partners: Politecnico di Milano - Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione
Financing fund:
Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione
- Light color
- Lighting design
- User centered design

Aim of the research was testing of the chromatic performances perceived of five prototypes of lighting fixtures for food lighting manufactured by “Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione”.
The prototypes have been tested by a metrological and quantitative point of view and from a more qualitative and perceptive one.
The first half of the research has been split in two phases. The first one in which we measured the chromaticity and the spectrum of each of the five prototypes. In the second phase, we measured the spectrum of the light reflected by typical foods placed under the five prototypes.
The second half of the research has been carried out by creating food-display cases and asking 120 individuals to answer to five different tests.