Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design

Light Environment Man

Title: Light Environment Man
Year: 2007 - 2009
Partners: Politecnico di Milano - Artemide - Danese - Oxytech - DueElle - Micromac
Financing fund: Progetto Metadistretti della Regione Lombardia
- Design for subjective well-being
- Lighting product design
- Lighting design
- Interaction design
- User centered design

Funded research in the Lombardy’s Metadistretti Call, Design sector, that treated these themes:
- Design Methods and qualitative evaluation of light
Research on psycho-physiological aspect on interior lighting with particular attention on design methods and evaluation of light quality.
Psychological effects of light have been evaluated for subjects of various age, gender, geographic area and afterwards physiological effects coming from different emanation of the spectrum, with different exposure time.
- Measuring and calculation methods for innovative lighting
in this activity, new methods of measurement not scheduled in the national norms for lighting have been experimented. Starting from a state of art analysis concerning lighting CAD software, new calculation methods have been described, taking in account of material quality simulation in a way that can result useful for the evaluation of circadian rhythm and psycho-physiological perception of the environment.
In this activity, a gonio-radiometer that can measure spectral emission of visible light in every direction on luminaries has been developed.
- Metrological activities
Politecnico di Milano part of the research were conventional and innovative reliefs for the characterization of light sources. Those reliefs are finalized to the evaluation of the lamps in the most traditional photometric aspect, and from a photo-biological point of view.