Laboratorio LUCE

Laboratorio di Progettazione, illuminotecnica, fotometria e colorimetria. Dipartimento di Design

New LED Fixture system for urban street Lighting

Title: New LED Fixture system for urban street Lighting
Year: 2010 - 2012
Partners: Politecnico di Milano - QLT - Archimede elettronica Srl - Gianazza Angelo SpA
Financing fund: Bando ATP risparmio energetico Regione Lombardia
- Lighting product design
- Energy efficiency
- Lighting design
- Material innovation
- Thermal control
- Urban lighting
- User centered design

Technological innovation, sustainability and lighting efficiency are the most important themes of the research aimed to design new sustainable and efficient solutions for public street lighting with LED sources. The use of miniaturized and innovative sources, as LEDs are, due to the high lighting performances, the reduced consumption and the possibility of intelligent management and monitoring of lighting fixtures, become the specific elements of the research and the project.
Politecnico di Milano is involved in the preliminary research and benchmarking of LED lighting fixtures currently in the market in order to map characteristics, specifics and performances and to establish trends and guidelines. Furthermore, it collaborates to the design of innovative lighting and thermal solutions and also to the development of the complete lighting fixture in which the technological solution presents better results in terms of lighting performances and energetic efficiency both facing the new parameters and strategies of the design of about LED lighting sources.